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Logan City Council presents draft community gardening policy


Community gardening is happening globally and in most local council areas surrounding Logan City. Those of us who want to grow, learn to grow healthy food in our local areas, and share our gardening skills, will with the adoption of this proposed community gardening policy be able to access council owned / controlled land for this purpose.

Logan now is proposing to support community gardening - growing food crops to support the gardeners who havest what they sow. The 5 page draft policy can be read and /or downloaded here.

Supporting documentation 14 pages is available here.

Questions you are asked to consider are listed below.

Your comments are requested by close of business COB Fridayday 9 September. [extended from 5 September]

  1. Do you support the policy objective?
  2. Do you understand the benefits and steps involved in having a Community Gardens Policy?
  3. Are there any gaps in the policy? For example management or operational issues?
    Has Council left anything out in the steps to set up a community garden?
  4. Do you understand and agree with the process that Council has drafted to assess applications for Community Gardens?
  5. Would you like to provide additional feedback on the draft Community Gardens Policy?

All documents and feedback information is available from this page including online survey or feedback form to be posted. 

Contact council on 3412 3412 if you have any questions about this process and documents.

LETS GET GROWING IN LOGAN. Use  the Contact Us link at top of page to enquire about LOGAN_CAN Community Agriculture Nutrition